Transformation Coaching

Do you feel stuck or struggling to make that needed change in your life? Are you feeling unfilled or demotivated? I will help you effortlessly make positive shifts and teach you how to sustain these this.

Achieve quick results that will last a lifetime.

Experience the power of these coaching sessions, where more can be achieved in just one session than hours of therapy….

This ad-hoc Transformation Coaching Package, includes a personalised THRIVE wellness within plan.

You can have a sit-down, face to face conversation, chat via Zoom or telephone or if you prefer, a walk and talk session.

This popular transformation coaching intensive gives you a boost of clarity, confidence and accountability. This session includes exploring where you are, what’s causing you to feel ‘stuck’, how you can move forward and coaching change at a deeper level using intuition and a variety of skills and techniques to assist you to confidently move forwards.

This session includes

  • Initial Conversation

  • 1 hour Coaching Session

  • Follow up call

  • THRIVE Wellness Within Action Plan

Investment: £111 or payment plan available

Here we go deep, rapid and effortlessly through my THRIVE method to ensure maximum results.

Using NLP, MINDFULNESS, ENERGETIC HEALING and HYPNOTHERAPY and Breathwork techniques that will empower you to effortlessly breakthrough and make your shifts.



A solid foundation is crucial for our success in everyday life and achieving our biggest goals. It's important to consistently focus on these areas to truly thrive and make our dreams come true. If that's what you want in life, having a strong resilient foundation is key.

The T H R I V E M E T H O D

Thoughts: We explore your thought patterns, self sabotage and limiting beliefs and replace them with your own positive unique and empowering thought strategy to ensure your mind supports your transformation.

Healing: A simple scan and checklist to help clear your energy, heal the past, move on from shock, trauma, fears, lack, loss, fatigue and stress.

Resilience: Learn the art of FREEING yourself to help you positively navigate change and move forwards with confidence. Believing in and committing to healthy habits, a more positive CAN DO attitude and from a place that feels in total alignment with who you are.

Intentions: Awakening your intentions, aligning your heart with your actions, turn dreams into reality, and then learn how to sustain them, not just for today, not for this month, but for the rest of your life…

Vitality: Identify with the results you wish to achieve and learn how to take daily action, rituals and self-care routines to rejuvenate and maintain healthy vitality levels, whilst you manifest results from he inside out.

Energy:  Energetic self care is as important as physical self care. Create Balance, Strength, Success, and Happiness in ALL areas of your life by restoring energy foundation practice.

Not sure if this is for you, looking for a bespoke package or have a question? Let’s have a conversation BOOK A FREE COACHING CALL

 A L L C O A C H I N G P A C K A G E S

Career Coaching | 3 Month Coaching Package | Thrive at Work