Can being authentic help you to be more productive?

Do you feel overworked, juggling one too many tasks or businesses?

Have you ever felt lost or overwhelmed in your personal development journey?

Do you feel like you’re missing out on family life or close relationships because work always comes first?

You never switch off to really relax and enjoy the moments?

Being authentic with Suzi B

This was me, we’ve all been here, so I thought I would share with you some tips I’ve personally found useful in supporting me to confidently take the leap, be more productive and have more by working less.

I’ve worked on my business intermittently since 2008. I always felt I need to juggle jobs and keep busy, on top of being a mum, wife, daughter and friend. Life was becoming very stressful and I could sense something wasn’t right, something had to change.

Along the way, I’ve learned multitasking is a myth! Since becoming a mother nine years ago; juggling parenting and business, and life, I can honestly say I wasn’t really showing up fully in any one place AND I’m pretty good at managing my own state and mindset. 

Whilst it might seem like we’re accomplishing many things at once, research has shown that our brains are not nearly as good at handling multiple tasks as we like to think we are. In fact, some researchers suggest that multitasking can actually reduce productivity by as much as 40 percent!

Then there’s technology, YES this makes our lives easier, however, it can also fill it with more noise, distractions, information and it’s becoming harder to switch off. Our lives at risk of being overrun by business – being in demand 24/7 – and relationships suffer.

As side from the mental strategies and practical takes I worked through, I’ve picked out a few essential tips on authenticity and how to have more by working less.

Have more, do less with Suzi B

Be Authentic: Gain clarity on WHO you are, define what you do, Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say. Focus on who you are, stay aligned to your true identity and remain authentic with your goals, purpose and what lights you up. Owning and accepting all of who you are and not being afraid to be true to yourself.  Deep within us, is the energy of love and that is who we truly are and when we tap into this love were tapping into our authentic selves. It helps with motivation, clarity, branding the energy and attitude towards your business, life, and relationships. Being true to yourself is fundamental to living a life of integrity, in and out of work. SHOWING UP AS YOU – BE YOU. LOVE WHO YOU ARE, BE AUTHENTIC.

Be in the NOW: There’s nothing more real than a person who lives in the moment without worry or concern for needless matters. Learn to switch off – life is happening around us and we’ll never regret being in the now. Living in the moment means concentrating on exactly what is happening in your life at that precise time. It demands that we remove the baggage and clutter from our lives to live our best at that moment. It’s also about listening to the very important voice inside our heads and to your intuition. Do what your heart is telling you to do. That’s what an authentic person does.

Be smart with time: Set your limit. If we think we have a week, we’ll take a week. Decide the maximum amount of time you are willing to work in a week. You need to determine what exactly you really need to accomplish within the limits you’ve set for yourself. If you cut your work week by 20%, for example, you need to cut out 20% of your work. That means identifying what must be done, and what can be put off. Watch communication tasks and set allocated time.  Batch small tasks together, is a simple technique where you group all your similar tasks together and complete them at one time. This batch processing can make you 10x more productive when done right. Outsource small tasks if you can, unless you have the time to learn, and avoid it if it’s taking you away from your line of genius. A happy worker is a productive worker. Hiring an assistant will be well worth the investment. By outsourcing the small stuff you have time to start new projects. You’re also able to sign on new clients and even take time for yourself (imagine that!).

Do the MINDSET work – and you’re halfway there. Gain clarity around what your beliefs and values are around your work/business model? Get help with this, there is plenty of free stuff out there or invest in an experienced professional. Know your worth and take action each day towards your authentic self and the path that’s in line with your true inner desires. Work on being aligned with the life you desire and the business, life, and relationships you wish to have. Consistently practice daily self-improvement, self-love, morning routines and the LOVE gratitude overload, which is basically saying in your mind all the things you LOVE before you get out of bed. Your mind is your greatest asset as long as you learn how to leverage it appropriately. Some of the most successful entrepreneurs have a ritual of daily self-improvement. Challenge yourself to spend the first 30 minutes and last 30 minutes of every day reading or listening to something positive that will expand your mind and enhance your skillset. Your business can grow only as much as you allow it to, and that growth starts with you.

I hope you also find these tips useful. Would you like to discuss what I have talked about here? I offer a completely free focus clarity call. There is no sign-up obligation and people find these calls alone life changing.  Just email me or book directly through my diary.

Also, do get in touch you have anything you would like me to cover here on the blog or on my live YouTube channel.

Much LOVE for now 

Suzi B xxx


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